Family Care Vision Center

Call Today 201-939-2463
31 Park Ave Rutherford, NJ 07070
Your Eye Headquarters for Sports & Contacts!

If you are someone who wears glasses and plays any type of sport whether you are in elementary school, high school, college or just for fun you should really consider wearing contacts! We consider every single patient in his chair an athlete because we don't stop playing once we finish high school. As we get older people love to play golf, shoot hoops, fish, shoot, ride bikes, bowl, ski/snow board, coach a team all on their spare time. Contacts can be worn at any age no matter how young or old especially now that new parameters are available (Ex: Multifocal contact lenses or astigmatism).
Top 5 Reasons To Wear Contacts:
1. Contacts greatly increase your peripheral vision by up to 15%
and allow for uninterrupted field of view.
2. Contacts can greatly enhance comfort while wearing safety
equipment like masks, goggles, helmets, etc.
3. Contacts are less likely to be broken or lost.
4. Contacts will not fog up or cause annoying reflections.
5. Rain or snow are less likely to obstruct vision.
When coming in for a contact lens fitting or evaluation patients will take home with them a sample of contacts and will return back in 1-2 weeks for the fitting to be evaluated before dispensing.

Soft or hard? Single vision: daily or extended wear, toric,
monovision, bifocal/multifocal, bandage, ortho-k or scleral?
The possibilities are endless! However his philosophy is that every patient belongs in a daily contact lens as opposed to a 2-week or monthly lens, especially if you are an athlete. After acquiring his degree in microbiology, "bacteria is everywhere some good others bad".
Contact lens wear is linked with a risk of inflammation to the cornea, known as keratitis. It usually happens when people are non-compliant with their appropriate wearing schedule, cleaning habits, sleeping in them, using tap water or generic cleaning solutions, not washing their hands, etc. Would you shower or bathe in the same water that you used the day before? Same concept when you don't put fresh solution into your case each day. Without having to worry about cleaning solutions and cases, daily lenses are the way to go and nothing is more comfortable than putting a fresh lens each day! Also, use artificial tears 3-4x a day, such as Blink or Refresh for contact lens wear.
But aren't daily lenses more expensive than monthly lenses? Yes, and so is eating healthier! His job is to protect your eyes and keep them healthy until the day he retires.